By the afternoon on day 2 you wont even be dropping bombs anymore. You’ll have nothing left in you. I would take 8 pills if you really want it to be explosive. Get online and order them, honestly, its pretty fun. The $25 bottle should be enough.
So far so good. Started last weekend and still on it. It’s almost amazing how this stuff works. I’m one who has a bm every morning so I always have my first dump before I leave for work. And that first one is quite explosive. A combination liquid, gas and solid, in descending order. No pun intended. I usually get three bms within 2hr of waking up, and that works for me cuz I drive around a lot for work. I deliver the last 1-2 bms to McDonalds, BK or Panera, whichever one is closest when I take my breaks. I did the fruit and salad thing over the weekend but once Monday started I have been eating the junk again. I did the same with the ACV as well. Though I’m not doing it exactly as recommended I’m seeing results. I feel less bloated, lost 5lb and I don’t feel tired all the time.
Just ordered another 60 pill bottle because I’ll run out soon. Taking 8 pills each night. I recommend buying the 120 pill bottle if you are over 170 lb. I was 192 (good-looking and athletic tho, not the gross type) when I started.
Dude, that’s so sweet. Hopefully your post inspires others to join the movement (pun intended)
I ordered the 120 pill bottle incase my GF or anyone at work wanted to join me for the fun. I’m thinking about doing it for a night or 2 next week, just for some routine maintenence.
Im not sure what the organic ACV is supposed to do but they said it has over 100 health related benfits on the website… it taste super nasty though.
I take a dose about once a week to clear the pipes. Helps keep my healthy momentum going. Paying attention to plumbing is very important. My bottle is about gone though. I only got the 60 count and got 2 clenses out of it. Time to re-up to the 120 count.
That ACV coction is nasty. I used to do shots of it to just get it over with. Mixing it with water is rancid.
First, welcome to the club Econgirl. Second, after I run my internet weight regression, I see that you actually weigh 146 without shoes on in a bikini. Third, I’d take 4 as instructed. Up it to 6 if you don’t take the browns to the superbowl 3-5x the following day.
Wait, so do people really have “15 to 20 pounds” of compacted fecal matter, as claimed by the product description? So, they are saying that 10% of our body weight is poo?
^ Prob not that much. But with all processed crap we eat, our body takes longer to digest and dispose it. It feels nice to clean out the plumbing. I had about 8 pounds backed up. While a healthy digestive systyem can process and dispose of food in ~4 hours, most Americans take 4-5x that long. Not good.
So, while we’re being gross here, I’m going to ask something that not many people have stopped to think about:
Aside from the obvious differences in color and consistency, what is the difference between poo and pee? They’re both waste products, but why are there two types???
I thought pee has to do with filtering certain things out of your blood stream.
I think the better question is why the penis is used for both pee and reproduction. You would think that mammals would have evolved another organ for sanitary reasons.
Took 6 pills last night. Couldn’t sleep well because my tummy was grumbling and am having trouble studying today because it is just like having a mild tummy ache with the runs. All my poo so far has been garden fresh liquified.
If you have to try it, leave it til after the exam.
Difference between poo and pee…
I have always wondering why if I eat colorful things, why does my poo always come out brown?
CFA/MBA does the intercept in your regression reflect that I’m always wet?
Ok, poo is mostly stuff that you ate, but which never entered your bloodstream (basically, unabsorbed stuff, plus some water and bile). It’s brown because of the brown-colored bile excreted by your liver to assist with making nutrients able to be abosrbed. Bile is the same stuff that tastes really bitter and yucky if you vomit. If your poo doesn’t come out brown, you should suspect a liver problem of some sort because it means that there isn’t any bile in the stool. It also means that there are probably lots of nutrients that aren’t being absorbed because the bile hasn’t been there.
Pee is nutrients that got absorbed into your bloodstream by your small intestines, then absorbed by your cells, then got used and spit back out by your cells into your bloodstream. The kidneys filter it and mix with water to get it out of your body. So it’s basically nutrients that went into your cells and then out of them. Pee is basically cellular poo + water.
This is relevant because of the effects of processed food. Processed food that can’t be absorbed at all can get stuck in your insides, and the product in the thread helps clear that out and presumably makes it easier to absorb nutrients. Some processed food can be absorbed by your bloodstream, and the bigger danger is that it can accumulate like plaque inside or between your cells.
As for why urine and sperm are both passed through the same canal, it turns out that urine is not a bad antibacterial agent, so it helps keep the pathway clean. It may well have helped evolution by ensuring that you don’t pump any more nasty agents into a potential mother than you would ordinarily do. Presumably, seminal fluid has some agent that helps neutralize any bad effects of a few leftover molecules. Uric acid is acidic (as is the vagina), and so seminal fluid tends to have a lot of hydroxyl molecules to neutralize the acidity, which is why it tends to smell like chlorox bleach (and reportedly tastes bitter to varying degrees).
Bchad you’re wrong on so many levels. Poo, as you call it, is the by product of digestion. It’s a mixture of partly digested food and numerous secretions (including bile) from the gut. Bile is not exactly brown, it’s closer to dark green in most people ( the color varies with race, can be yellish brown but mostly dark green from what I’ve seen) and you’re right about the bitterness. The color of poo is usually, not always, some shade of brown. Poo color depends on so many things, not just bile. If you have black or red stool and haven’t been taking any medication then you probably have a bleed somewhere in your gut. You might want to check with your doctor if that happens. Any other stool color is usually due to some benign reason. Such reasons include an too little bile or an imbalance of some enzyme(s), too much greens, Kool Aid, Jello, etc.
Pee is waste product from the blood. The blood collects waste products (mostly ammonia, urea, and salts) from all the organs of the body. The kidneys filter the blood and removes almost all the waste, mixes it with water and then deposit the mixture into the bladder, that’s pee.
Ohai, good question. There is no sanitary issue here as pee is actually sterile (barring any infectioins of course) until it exits the body and contacts the atmosphere. The waste in urine should include no bacteria for healthy individuals.
No more medical advice should be given on this forum.
If dudes would have gotten two penises as a result of evolution, where the second one would be located? between the balls and the cornh0le? side by side? So many possibilities.