Power of Oneness

Well, we did get a pair of testicles, as opposed to just one. Presumably, this is to prevent a loss of reproductive ability if one testicle is destroyed. Maybe a secondary penis would also make sense - you know, just in case the first one is somehow severed. Or perhaps a regenerating penis.

all penises should be 1.25x justified leading girth/length multiple

Ahha I just got 69 points!

Uh, what I posted is consistent with your description. To the extent that I was wrong, it was because what I said was incomplete, but I never used language that said I was being exhaustive. I merely communicated the gist of the difference, not the full physiological description that you provided.

You have false info in paragraphs one and two, that’s for sure.

The second penis should be on your forehead so you can double your pleasure simultaneously.

That is not the intercept. I had to add a qualitative variable via dummy coding at the end of my multiple regression. Since you are always wet, I could make it a constant factor. Who knew stats could be so s3xy.

How does an “internet weight regression” show that someone is “wet”? That’s like saying “I weigh 2 pounds more when I have a boner”.

Wait, like wet when a girl is about to, “you know” or wet like out of a shower. I was under the assumption that she was wet from the bath tub which added a incremental amount of weight to the scale.

I’m just dicking around with the expression of weighing more when you are wet.

CFA/MBA - I for sure meant intercept.

CFAvsMBA, are you this JoeC guy? He seems to have the same colorful descriptiveness that you have, particularly starting on paragraph 4.


Someone else found the link and commented on the similarities. I thought it was amusing, though couldn’t figure out what’s the deal here.

“someone else pointed it out…”


Execellent stalker skills B-chad! If you did this kind of internet stalking for some CFA diarehha stories, what do you do for a first date?

Well, ebowsaah pointed out that different races have different colored feces, so maybe CFAvsMBA and I should get together with some Oxypowder to blast out our own Jackson Pollock design.

So bchad would that mean you want to be CFAvsMBA’s butt buddy?

Anyway, I’m doin’ a cleanse this weekend in honor of the exam.

Time for a reup of Oxy. After all that fried chicken I had yesterday, it’s time to flush out the butt. Summary to follow.

^ how about real time tweets?

facepalm…thought this shit was dead!

^ cfavsmba, it appears you and iteracom have a stalker…


Stormy is my nigga. Sure we fuss n ish all over AF. But I bet he’s a cool cat. Dis knucks for you son!

Link, please. Couldn’t find a thread like that