Problem asks what the profit/loss is at expiration of the forward.
Forward purchase price (t=1) = $235.69 - got it
Current spot price = $190.69 - Given
Loss to position = -$45.60 - Difference between forward and value of the stock at expiration of the forward, - got it
Then the solution goes on to say, gain from the short position is 225-190 (225 was the stock price when the foward was purchased), driving a net loss of -$10.69 (-45 + 35)
I do not understand how the answer is coming up with the $35 “gain”? How did the investor not take a loss the full 45.60 on the forward? Didn’t they buy the stock for 235.69 when the price at expiration was190?
I believe that their point on the gain is that the alternative to entering into the forward contract was to hold the underlying and sell it at the spot price at time 1; compared to holding it and selling it at $190.69, he sold it at $225 (plus interest), so he gained $34.31 (plus interest).