Predict and win.....

Head says pass. I was above average on the practice exams and got some points in every morning question except that frickin backwardation one, only blanked 2 sub sections. Heart says fail. Sub 50 % over all pass rate I think I fail, above that I think I pass.

No it was a friend of mine…He passed LIII…however, the prostitute failed LIII…however, she passed FRM

The Repeater Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No it was a friend of mine…He passed > LIII…however, the prostitute failed > LIII…however, she passed FRM @LOL

its an insult to injury … its a disgrace a CFA getting rejected from an FRM…

zidane… you in Mumbai? how do u plan to spend rest of your result wait…

Mr. Repeater may be she indulged into that profession because she failed Level 3 … and she has lost all sense of risks in the profession inspite of doing FRM… is she ur friend or just and acquantance or office collegue ?

yup … m from Mumbai…equity, u remember we had those long discussions on exam questions ?? I am in office for around 8 … then I will go home and watch a movie late in the night …and then come late to the office so that the time till the result is very less …

zidane can you drop me a line at equityresearchnds at gmail dot com

I’m having a hard time separating “Pass” and “Deserve to pass irrespective of what actually happens.” So I will go with “Fail” since I apparently lack confidence.

pass - above 70% in everything except economics. And tomorrow, you guys can laugh at me if i fail. First feeling out of the exam was a sure pass, then after a few days (looking at the AF and brooding over the MC answers that i changed at the last minute from the correct one to incorrect), the mood changed to fail. At this point now, the mood is somewhat of a PAIL but i am gonna stick with my initial instinct and declare a PASS. At least, my registration link is gone.

ohh … I will get below 70% in all the subjects except economics where I am sure of a 100%…

she had actually made the Type I Error : Not having sex with someone who has passed LIII but you think that he/ she has failed LIII Then, she did FRM to get her concepts straight… But there she did the Type II Error: Thinking that you have done the Type I Error when you have actually done the Type II Error Yeah…She is my office colleague…How did u know??? I serve tables in a GO GO Bar in Pattaya If I pass LIII, I hope to be the next King of Thailand…


Mr. Repeater Next year even she would pass Level 3 and then she would be CFA and FRM… and have even more reasons to kick u …

My original feelings after the exam was I didn’t get enough done. Rarely if ever do I not go with my original feelings. Cya next year.

Hard to say. My initial feeling after the exam was good. I felt my pm performance compensated for the am mayhem - hey that rhymes. Since then my estimated score for the morning session has gone down, so I’m really not sure. All I know is logging on AF keeps making me more nervous. Yet I keep coming back. Why am I doing this to myself…LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

2 years ago, I thought I annihilated the exam. Failed miserably. Last year, I thought it was 50/50 but hoped for the best. Failed even worse. First instincts aren’t alway right. There is usually an upward bias. If you think you failed, you are more likely to be right than if you think you passed.

hezagenius Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > First instincts aren’t alway right. There is > usually an upward bias. If you think you failed, > you are more likely to be right than if you think > you passed. Of you could be a super perfectionist and obsess about the answers you know you got wrong. I thought for sure I failed the first two and passed both. I don’t think feelings mean anything, really, since we don’t know what the real answers are and we don’t know what the curve is going to look like. Despite that logic, I still think I failed :wink:

Pass, because my link disappeared…loll :slight_smile: Ponpon
