Predict and win.....

i’m not going to anger the woofing gods by responding with a pass or fail.

As long as I block out memories of what the AM (slaughter) and PM (booby-traps) were like, I can hope for a pass! :wink:

Coming out I felt I failed due to the beast that was the AM (more time pressure then anything), after all the posts after the exam I felt I failed even more, but after awhile and counting up all the wrong answers on the PM I only counted like 7 so I felt better but who knows…

A sure FAIL

FAIL A cessation of proper functioning or performance Me all over

Guessing won’t be necessary … it’s a PASS for sure … only question now is what kind of scores I got, anything less than perfect 70% everywhere, I’ll be disappointed.

oh crap my pants

mo34 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Guessing won’t be necessary … it’s a PASS for > sure … only question now is what kind of scores > I got, anything less than perfect 70% everywhere, > I’ll be disappointed. still wont beat 8 gold medals thoguh!

Not even a bronze medal … :slight_smile: … .That’s by the way the total number of medals my country scored in these games … what a shame :slight_smile: … 80+ million and we come out with one bronze medal … :slight_smile:

Fail by more than a little

Mo34 which country u from ??

Egypt??? Or some country which has since won more??