Price weight index

A stock index consists of 2 stocks:

Company A has 50 shares @ $2

Company B has 10 shares @ $10

Price weighted index is 6

Company A’s stock increases to $4

Company B has a 2-for-1 and the stock goes to $5

What is the new value of the price weighted index?

I (after spending several minutes trying to remember) adjusted the base by dividing the after split total price (5+2=7) by the previous base (6) to get the new base (1.167). This makes sense to me as the post split index would now be the same as the pre-split index (7/1.167 = 6). I divided the new price weighted index (5+4) by the new base to get 7.7 (9/1.167)

The answer is apparently 7. Method is (10+4)/2 ‘A price weighted index is not affected by the split’. The CFAI seem to suggest adjusting the base rather than leaving the numerator the same. Any comments?


As it says, you don’t adjust for the split. The price was $10, you leave it as $10, even though there was a split.

in cfa mock they adjusted the denominator i feel

I totally agree with you you mattmania…i feel that the answer given in the Schweser Mock is wrong…(Exam II Afternoon Session Question 88)

scswer ethics q r so crap just like this answet

mattmania @ Is the question you mentioned exactly the same or sth is missing ??

In schweser book 4 page 238 a similar example is given but it is also mentioned that split will be effective on next day .

If above mentioned question also states that split will take effect from next day then given answer and reasoning (7, (10+4)/2 ‘A price weighted index is not affected by the split’) is correct, otherwise im agree with your answer.