A stock index consists of 2 stocks:
Company A has 50 shares @ $2
Company B has 10 shares @ $10
Price weighted index is 6
Company A’s stock increases to $4
Company B has a 2-for-1 and the stock goes to $5
What is the new value of the price weighted index?
I (after spending several minutes trying to remember) adjusted the base by dividing the after split total price (5+2=7) by the previous base (6) to get the new base (1.167). This makes sense to me as the post split index would now be the same as the pre-split index (7/1.167 = 6). I divided the new price weighted index (5+4) by the new base to get 7.7 (9/1.167)
The answer is apparently 7. Method is (10+4)/2 ‘A price weighted index is not affected by the split’. The CFAI seem to suggest adjusting the base rather than leaving the numerator the same. Any comments?