Congratulations to those who wrote Level 1 over the weekend, hopefully we’ll all be moving on to Level 2 soon. I’m sure we’re all trying to discern what the MPS will be based on prior estimates; was thinking it is maybe more useful to look at historical band 10 failure scores, to see what you must beat. Anyone have an guess on what band 10 topic area scores have been (i.e. how many sections >70%, <50%, between?)
Isn’t it just your overall score?
I.e. if I got 100% on Reporting and 0% on Alternative Investments and Portfolio Management I still okay, no?
Yes, overall score is what matters but this is difficult to discern. For those who fail (especially in band 10) their distribution by topic area could offer more value (which were above 70%, below 50% and between 50 and 70%)
You know this isn’t going to happen right?
Given that only a small quantity of people will likely even read this post/thread, it’s certinaly plausable to be true to those who do. In any case, it was meant in good spirits. Apologies for the optimistic flavor, forgot we were on the internet; I’ll dial back the niceties accordingly.
I was a 10 band in June. 6 topic areas including ethics were between 50-70. Four were above 70 including FRA. Pretty sure if my test score was reviewed by the NCAA basketball tourny selection committee I was in the last four out category (apologize ahead of time for those who are not sports fans).