Note that you’re assuming that the probabilities of scoring are statistically independent.
The easiest way to do these problems is to calculate the probability that nobody scores, and then subtract that from 1.
With two, the probability that nobody scores is:
(1 − 0.25)(1 − 0.25) = 0.752 = 0.5625
Therefore, the probability that at least one scores is:
1 − 0.5625 = 0.4375 = 43.75%
With three players, the probability that nobody scores is:
(1 − 0.25)(1 − 0.25)(1 − 0.25) = 0.753 = 0.421875
and the probability that at least one scores is:
1 − 0.421875 = 0.578125 = 57.8125%
With four,
1 – 0.754 = 68.359375%
And so on.
If you want to extend the addition rule to more than two events, here’s how it works:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(AB)
P(A or B or C) = P(A) + P(B) + P© – P(AB) – P(AC) – P(BC) + P(ABC)
P(A or B or C or D) = P(A) + P(B) + P© + P(D) – P(AB) – P(AC) – P(AD)
– P(BC) – P(BD) – P(CD) + P(ABC) + P(ABD) + P(ACD) + P(BCD) – P(ABCD)
In general, it’s:
P(At least one of n things) = Σ(probabilities taken one at a time)
– Σ(probabilities taken two at a time)
- Σ(probabilities taken three at a time)
– Σ(probabilities taken four at a time)
± Σ(probabilities taken n at a time)