Putting the Cart Before the Horse

If I fail the 2016 level 3 exam, I think I may look back at this post and think I may have put a jinx on myself…

So a few years ago I registered for the level 1 exam while just starting my final semester of college. Long story short, I unexpectedly took a job months before the exam, didn’t study, and didn’t sit for the exam.

Flash forward to Fall of 2014 … I register for level 1 for the 2nd time and subsequently pass. I then went on to pass the 2015 level 2 exam (1st attempt) as well.

I can’t help but wonder, if I were to pass the level 3 2016 exam, per CFAI ethics, etc…, am I allowed to say I passed all 3 exams on my first attempt or would that be a misstatement? I know it’s meaningless an unimportant, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think it’d be cool to be able to say I passed all 3 exams on the first attempt.

Can anyone provide any insight on this?

It would be fair to say that you consecutively passed all 3 levels in a row. But now that probably won’t happen.


I’d be tempted to say that a no show doesn’t go down as an “attempt”, much in the same way that the CFA “pass rate” only contains the data for those that actually sat the exam. If you didn’t sit the exam, no paper was graded and no attempt was made. That’s how I see it logically…how the CFAI see it, who knows :wink: