Does anybody understand the table halfway done on page 149? They have PVBP per million. For first 5-year they end up with net effective PVBP for the 5 - year maturity of 0.0460.
Then last column it is PVBP per million and it is 460.
PVBP throughout book calculated per 10,000. So to get per million, you should multiple by 100. Instead of 460 it should be 4.60 for the PVBP per million calculation.
Why it 460. Unless the values given as percentages for PVBP receive fixed and all of them in that exhibit. Thank you.
You can see similar type of PVBP per million with BB 6. This one done how I think and correctly. Duration given as 1.98 for 2 year maturity and then last column of exhibit is 198 to get PVBP per million. Meaning they multiplied by 100 to get correct answer for PVBP per million.
Why they multiple by 100 here to get PVBP per million for BB6 but not for swap exhibit? Thank you.