I was answering the question orderly and paying attention to template provided to for answers. Then I noticed there were somemore line pages subsequent to the template. I was freaking out if I did answer in the correct manner.
A: Answer in line pages
B: Answer in line pages
C: answer in template
D: answer in line pages
My question is for answer D, do I have to answer in the line pages after the template? What I did was asnwering the question in order at the line pages subsequent after B.
That’s why they ask you to label your answers A, B, C etc. It doesnt matter if you do it all on one page (assuming that page corresponds to the relevant question number) or spread across multiple line pages- which by the way, there seemed to be soooo many of. Who can possibly write that much??
A guy at my work failed last year because of this stuff. It could definitely be made more straight forward.
Trying to remember and apply 1000s of pages of curriculum content is hard enough…being peppered by the page format is certainly an unwanted distraction
I did the exact same thing. Given the time constraint, no way I could have written enough to fill all those pages. I have sent CFAI an email asking this question, will advise when I get a response.
I have a hard time thinking they would not mark it, if you had written the answer to question D after the template, its possible that it gets missed too, given all the blank pages before the template.
For a certain question, we are directed to answer in the templates for the whole question, but there are still lined pages for that question. What are those pages for?
this is what I’m afraid of–i missed a question on the back of the page (partially finished it at the end) and now I’m freaking out if I missed more. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH . i don’'t remember if there were many questions on the back of the pages? argh
Does anyone remember the point breakout for the AM session? Any feedback would be welcome. I seem to remember that #7 was 36 points. Is that correct? What others were also heavily weighted?
i think were all overthinking this. The lined pages for after trmplates are there in case you need more space. I answered everything not on a template on the most current lined page, then went to templates where directed. If there was a question after the template, i went back to where I left off on the lined pages, marked the question number clearly, and answered there. I think thats fine. I also think its fine if yuo use the lined papers after the templates. As long as you labeled. I think they put so much paper so no one has any trouble writing thigns out. Imagine if they only had 1 lined page and you had to do a big calcualtion, messed it up and couldnt erase. Youd be screwed.
I think I forgot to mark the answer a few times. but wouldn’t it be obvious from the answer that i have finished eg c and that what beneath it, is the answer of d. I only discovered on one question that I didn’t mark it and marked it quickly but i didn’t had time to check the whole exam. maybe I forgot to mark the all the answer on all the question except for the template one which was marked for us already. I was in such a hurry due to time pressure that i just wrote the answer immediately and forgot to mark, soo stupid of me I know.
I think everyone’s overreacting here. The graders are charterholders, I’m pretty sure they know to check all possible areas for answer responses. As long as it’s clearly labeled, you should be fine.
What if we missed a label, but it was right after every template in order? I doubt we would lose points for a missed label if it was in the right spot. I think I labelled everything, but I should have double checked I guess.