Now i have finally layed the books to rest and started with QBank to see what needs more attention. But when i create an exam on QBank i can choose 3 levels of questions (from basic to advanced). So i was wondering what the actual exam is like; is it a mix of the easy, medium and hard ones or should i worry if i only score 70+% on the basic and intermediate ones? Let me hear your thoughts… Greetings all around
I’ve still got 50% of my portion to go… Just do the intermediate’s to hard…the rest don’t matter. Really…
Do all I did near 250 per day. The exam is very similar to sample questions.
Interesting. I’m using the Uppermark product and they don’t have different degree of difficulty for their test questions. I still have one last chapter to go (CDO) before doing my comprehensive review.
Thank you all. The variance of my scores is still high; probably due to the difference in levels. BUt i still got 4 more weeks, so its back the books soon Succes all with studying!
I have 3 weeks to go…and I haven’t even finished my first read. Gonna wrap up my portion with 2 weeks to go…1 week revision and then the last week papers and super revision.
manavecplan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have 3 weeks to go…and I haven’t even finished > my first read. Gonna wrap up my portion with 2 > weeks to go…1 week revision and then the last > week papers and super revision. You bought Qbank access? If so, i would recommend you to start with it right after your first read. If you put enough time in understanding the answers you will be better prepared then with glancing throught the text with your mind half in the clouds (for me it helped to be more active and really understand why something is correct or incorrect). Good luck with your progress!
“Re: QBank levels (basic/interm/advanced) new Posted by: YeeS_Mos (IP Logged) [hide posts from this user] Date: August 18, 2009 03:55PM Do all I did near 250 per day. The exam is very similar to sample questions” can you please tell us if this is uppermark or schweser ? many thanks…
QBank is Schweser, but i can imagine Uppermark having a similar thing. (and Qbank is very similar to the exam)
Eric, thanks to your quick response. The sad thing is that Schweser doesn’t sell the Qbank individually. I would rather get Schweser even though everyone is saying Uppermark has more expertise on CAIA. Has anyone here tried both Qbank (Schweser) and TestBank (uppermark does sell the TestBank as a stand alone product.) ? Is the uppermarket one similar to the real exam also ? many thanks…