Statement 2
“Our analysts expect that the credit curve for Company A will flatten, whereas the credit curve for Company B is expected to steepen.”

Kumar responds, as follows: “A trade that addresses Statement 2 would be to sell Company A CDSs with a 10-year tenor and buy Company A CDSs with a 5-year tenor. Alternatively, one could buy Company B CDSs with a 10-year tenor and sell Company B CDSs with a 5-year tenor.”

Is Kumar’s response to Statement 2 by Petsas most likely correct?

  1. Yes.
  2. No, she is incorrect about the trade involving Company A CDSs.
  3. No, she is incorrect about the trade involving Company B CDSs.


A is correct.

My Question: How is A correct? What if the 10 yr spreads for company A decline to the 5 yr spreads to make the credit curve flat? Then why wouldn’t you just sell the 10 yr spreads and do nothing with the 5 yr spreads? And if its the other way around, the 5 year spreads rise to the 10 year spreads, you would just buy CDS on the 5 year CDSs and do nothing with the 10 year CDSs?

Because that wasn’t an option.

You aren’t being asked for the best strategy. You’re being asked whether the strategies presented are appropriate or not.

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