Are Practice Problem Q4 D and E (CFAI materials) answers wrong? Because the total gain from the transaction shouldn’t be different that the forward’s final P&L given that the investor never held the asset (was only planning to buy it in 1 year)?
Question 4reads"A security is currently worth $225. An investor plans to purchase this asset in one year and is concerned that the price may have risen by then. To hedge this risk, the investor enters into a forward contract to buy the asset in one year"
Literal D reads: " Suppose that at expiration, the price of the asset is $190. Calculate the value of the forward contract at expiration. Also indicate the overall gain or loss to the investor on the whole transaction". Literal E is the same with price at expiry of $240.
thank you very much for your thorough answer. I understand where you are coming from, but conceptually it doesn’t make sense to me that you are recognizing a gain/loss in an asset that you never held. If you did that in real life you’d be fired or jailed (or both)