Reading 13 Principles to AA - GBI Smith Case Errata incomplete?


I was going over the most recent errata from Oct. and they had 2 bullet points where we had to update Goal 2 for the required capital = $6,275,000 (or $6,275) and the weight it represented as a portion of Smith’s total wealth 25.1%. They only did this in 2 places: p. 125 and 126.

However, I found exhibit 39 (p. 128) that had the same numbers and then fell into a rabbit hole. I tried researching here and everywhere else, but couldn’t find anything. So my questions are . . .

1.) Wouldn’t we also need to adjust the excess capital (or Surplus columns) in Exhibit 37 p.126 and Exhibit 39 p. 128 to decrease by 1,297 to 6,945 which is 27.8% of the total?

2.) Doesn’t this change the weighted average totals column (last column in bold) in exhibit 39 since the weights for that module’s asset class are affected (e.g., Global Developed Equities = .251 x .64 instead of .199 x .64)? And if the Surplus column is supposed to change (from 1st question above), the weighted average would also change too?

3.) Is there anything else that I’m missing?

Apologies for the wall of words. tl;dr - are the R13 errata for bullet points 5 and 6 incomplete?

I agree. Everything is an error continuing onto the next exhibit. This erratum must be incomplete.

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Thanks for taking a look at it. It’s a huge mess. :face_vomiting: