Reading 16 EOC 7 (Equity Market Valuation: Yardeni/Fed Model)

Improvement of Yardeni Model over Fed model is that Yardeni Model captures:

A. pure equity risk premium

B. pure default risk premium

C. effect of long-term growth on equity market values

Correct Answer: C

Why is Answer B incorrect? On 1st paragraph after Equation 8 (Pg 148) it says, “risk premium captured by the [Yardeni] model is largely a default risk premium.”

Source: CFA Volume 3 / Equity market valuation / Pg 167

it is a question of language. … which could end up tripping u up.

largely a default risk premium (What the text says) -> answer says “pure default risk premium” - but largely is NOT EQUAL to Pure. (Pure means complete default risk premium is captured).

I am not sure but as I recall, the problem is Yardeni uses A corporate bond risk premium what is default risk but on corporate bonds not an equity risk premium. Thus, it would not be an improvement. Tricky question, play with words.

I didnt have that in my vocabulary. It now makes sense! Thnks.

Fed Model uses yield on T-bonds. Yardeni Model uses yield on T-bonds + default risk premium (if I am not mistaken)

Therefore, it should be an improvement on this facet too.

As per the question, the word “pure” is most likely the word-play, not " improvement".

Hopefully CFAI doesnt test many twisted-word-play questions like this.

Check once again, Yardeni uses A rated Corporate bonds as default risk premium.