CFA program does offer vast amount of material on many subjects. I intend to use it for bond analysis of government bonds in my country. I want it to be as good as possible under condition that I am doing it completely alone. I consider putting my skin in the game too. It is a small emerging economy with developed financial sector and well functioning government bond market. Frankly, I am lost where to start. Are there any real analysis case studies? Curriculum examples seem all superficial. On the other hand you have to consider the economy, expectations, supply/demand, global environment, geopolitics, etc. Can a single person really pull this off?
Perhaps you should stick to fixed income investment funds and make some bets on your own analysis. Government bonds are very low in risk unless you want to invest in Uganda or something. Also, there is a framework for fixed income analysis and CFA curriculum provides many tools. For example, it is important to calculate duration of the portfolio and make it to equate to your investment horizon in order to avoid interest rate risk. Also manage the reinvestment of coupon payments (if exist). Always look at interest rate forecasts as they impact bond prices. Look at liquidity needs of your portfolio, is it a long-term investment fund? or just a short-term investment strategy for money surplus. Think about the constraints and objectives about your fund, then everything you need to look will show up.