

  1. They get up early. 44% of wealthy people wake up 3 hours or more before work starts vs. only 3% of poor people.

  2. They set goals. 80% of wealthy people are focused on accomplishing some single goal. Only 12% of the poor do this. In addition, 67% of wealthy people write down their goals.

  3. They have daily to-do lists. 81% of wealth people maintain “to-do” lists vs 19% of the poor.

  4. They read. 88% of the wealthy read for 30 minutes or more each day for education or career reasons. Only 2% of the poor do so. In addition, 63% of rich people listen to audio books during their commute.

  5. They network. 79% of wealthy people network five hours a month or more.

  6. They exercise. 76% of wealth people exercise aerobically several days a week.

  7. They avoid junk food. 70% of rich people eat less than 300 calories of junk food per day, while 97% of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day.

  8. They don’t gamble. Only 6% of the wealthy play the lottery vs. 77% of low income people.

  9. They limit their TV time. 67% of wealthy people watch one hour or less of television per day vs. 23% of the poor. Only 6% of wealthy people watch reality TV vs. 78% of the poor.

  10. They are constantly improving their skills. 86% of high income people believe in lifelong educational self-improvement.

  11. They believe hard work and good habits lead to success. 84% of rich people believe that good habits create opportunity and luck. Only 8% of the wealthy believe that wealth comes from random good luck vs. 79% of low-income people.

“67% of wealthy people write down their goals.”

I don’t know about you, but I have pieces of paper all over my house that say “Money and Girls. Money and Girls”.

“They get up early” is not true. Social scientists have studied this and found that there is zero correlation between when you get out of bed and how wealthy you are. (So sayeth the guys who wrote “Millionaire Next Door”.)

  1. They don’t gamble. Only 6% of the wealthy play the lottery vs. 77% of low income people.

^bs. unless gambling is only playing lottery and exclluded casinos, poker, slots, options, and nailing HCBs w.out wearing a rubber

I would argue that the net worth should be used as a weigthing factor when tabulating the stats for the responses, rather than giving equal weight to every person arbitrarily defined as “rich”, and zero weight to others. Positive reponses from lottery winners with significant net worth would make the gambling percentage higher. I use this logic to justify my relatively frequent weekend trips to Vegas.

I agree. I don’t think one needs to wake up early. But sloth will kill your success. Sleeping in and being lazy is a waste of productive time. I’m not a millionaire, but I am at the office first everyday. I often spend that time getting caught up on news and such, but I’m already rolling when others are just coming in. I think this makes me more effective.