They get up early. 44% of wealthy people wake up 3 hours or more before work starts vs. only 3% of poor people.
They set goals. 80% of wealthy people are focused on accomplishing some single goal. Only 12% of the poor do this. In addition, 67% of wealthy people write down their goals.
They have daily to-do lists. 81% of wealth people maintain “to-do” lists vs 19% of the poor.
They read. 88% of the wealthy read for 30 minutes or more each day for education or career reasons. Only 2% of the poor do so. In addition, 63% of rich people listen to audio books during their commute.
They network. 79% of wealthy people network five hours a month or more.
They exercise. 76% of wealth people exercise aerobically several days a week.
They avoid junk food. 70% of rich people eat less than 300 calories of junk food per day, while 97% of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day.
They don’t gamble. Only 6% of the wealthy play the lottery vs. 77% of low income people.
They limit their TV time. 67% of wealthy people watch one hour or less of television per day vs. 23% of the poor. Only 6% of wealthy people watch reality TV vs. 78% of the poor.
They are constantly improving their skills. 86% of high income people believe in lifelong educational self-improvement.
They believe hard work and good habits lead to success. 84% of rich people believe that good habits create opportunity and luck. Only 8% of the wealthy believe that wealth comes from random good luck vs. 79% of low-income people.