Hey everybody,
I am near the first end of my detailed read through the Schweser Notes. I am on the Risk Management section. I took a hefty amount of notes in Asset Allocation and other heavily weighted topics. Now at Alternative Investments I took a little lighter approach on note taking and read through the material wasn’t really much of an issue, but now on Risk Management. Seems like a lot is covered for 5%, but in the Schweser there is little multiple choice everything is short answer. Which means memorizing all these definitions. Seems like at this point in my study there is more value to power read and get to working problems.
My strategy is power reading through Risk Management and working a lot of problems given I have spent so much time taking my time to read/note taking on the heavier weighted topic areas. Anybody else doing a similar approach to these two sections as they are weighted 5% each. I think working a crapload of problems in these sections will be better then very detailed read with alot of notes. Like i have done in my first read over the material in the other areas.