Sage advice from the OG, SG

brah you’re like that drunk guy that walks in an hour into greenman’s standup routine after he has told the audience the same joke 5 times, proceeds to order a round of tequila shots and pees his pants from laughter upon greenman’s 6th delivery

^I had been keeping up with the thread but somehow missed the best part. I just hadn’t really commented until now because white-knighting irks me.

Monkey typically I like having you around but c’mon. Be an a**hole without being a sh*tty person like the rest of us.


Dude, you have seriously earned an ass whooping, and I’m not Sweep.

Let us hope that you don’t ever come where I am.

Bye bye friendo.

Image result for banned gif

I do feel bad, wish we could have helped Monkey. When you step back you have to realize that this is probably his only contact beyond his third world surroundings, he travels here, he can see what we have that he doesn’t and then he goes back to Asia and has to live breathing in the world’s exhaust, so I can understand why he feels the need to lash out.

Typical arrogant point of view of jingoistic Westerner!

Wait, was post removed? Please PM contents!

Pretty sure it was down voted. When I saw his posts he was accumulating down votes very quickly

They were removed for the best. He was just looking for attention / ban.

He went downhill faster than usual this time. Normally he holds it together for a week or two.

wow so downvotes delete posts now? or was it manually removed.

Downvotes do not remove posts. Once posts hit -5 they collapse but you can click on it to expand it. Monkey’s posts were removed for being way over the top offensive.

Just discovered this thread LOL

Part of me thinks this woman is scum and another part of me thinks: “Who cares? Her videos have 100 views each and half of them are from her or people on AF”

The whole story doesn’t match up.

It’s almost like she should be thanking us.

Furthermore, at least 60% of those views are apparently fetishism from Greenman alone.

Is there a recap for those of us who work 70 hours a week? I can’t browse this place like I used to all day long.

hahaha in the last episode of af! greenie makes a mean post about a chick. many in af chime in. chick responds and calls us out. nerdy white knights chick and tries to criticize people for bumping this. bs who believes that nerdy is a prick, believes he has no right to judge others. stl flip flops on which stance to take as he has not read the whole thread. monkey comes in with a personal insult to stl’s kids for a previous transgression between themselves and gets banned for stepping out of line and now we are here.