Hi All,
Regarding the treatment of Salvage Value in Cash Flow Projections, do we have to consider the salvage value while determining the Depreciable amount?
For example,
Cost of asset = 5000
Salvage value=2000
Useful life = 5
tax rate = 40%
What will be depreciation charge to be used in Cash Flow projections?
- Depreciation tax shield = (5000-2000)/5= 600 per year
At the end of project tax, suppose we realize 2000 by selling the asset.
Tax on gain = (2000- (5000-3000))*40%= 0
- Depreciation tax shield = 5000/5= 1000 per year
At the end of project tax, suppose we realize 2000 by selling the asset.
Tax on gain = (2000- 0)*40%= 800
While studying for CMA, it is emphasized that salvage value has to ignored while calculating depreciable amount & full cost has to be charged as depreciation whether using straight line or reducing method as required by tax laws.
While practicing questions, I noticed that in some cases, CFA text ignores Salvage value for determining depreciable amount & in some cases they consider.
What is the appropriate treatment of salvage value??
Any help will be highly appreciated.