Schweser Notes - Book 1 or Book 2


Want to start reviewing the Schweser Study Notes (Level 1) for the exam next March.

Looking for Book 1 or 2 (not both) that contains Ethics and Quant. study notes…only the one Book from Schweser.

Summer is getting long and very hot for me…yes, boredom is setting in, and so I am looking to make better use of my time.

Anyone have a soft copy of the Notes for the one Book, I would really appreciate it.

Can’t afford to not pass both of these exams…paying for them myself.

Margin of error…zero!!!

Note: Already purchase Level 1 Text and Ethics book. Will purchase full set of notes when I sign up for exam in October.


why don’t you just do september. you have plenty of time.

Been away from quant. for awhile…don’t know alot about some ot the asset classes, i.e. commodities, etc Thank you for your comment!!!

And yet you’re an FRM charterholder…

That is correct…I am a FRM charterholder.