Schweser so much easier

than the CFAI. I did CFAI text reading up until risk management. Now I am switching to schweser for the rest ( risk management and portfolio monitoring). I know CFA text is more complete. But I just do not think the rest of LOS is that heavily weighted, at least shouldn’t have essay questions ( CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG). What I found is, the reading becomes so much easier and smoother now with schweser. A lot of details/distractions are gone. Everything is on the high level. I am hoping this does more good than bad. I will still stick to the EOC questions on CFAI tho. What do you guys think?

Schweser to keep the main focus and CFAI books to ensure complete coverage. Have to balance focus with coverage. I started off with Schweser but occasionally refered to Curriculum over two things: 1. Whenever I didn’t understand what Schweser was trying to say 2. Whenever I felt the urge to ensure complete coverage. 2009 exam did check things that were NOT covered by Schweser. Thank God I had them (almost all) covered from the Curriculum though.

i started reading the CFAI text because i didn’t have the schweser yet, and man…reading through that sheit takes forever!!! i did not L1 and L2 with schweser only but for some reason i’m determined to get through CFAI text this time…but i really can’t wait to get through the CFAI and get into the schweser where its much more to the point and cuts through all the mumbo jumbo and repetitiveness of the CFAI text

Zain Zafar Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > 2009 exam did check things that were NOT covered > by Schweser. Thank God I had them (almost all) > covered from the Curriculum though. don’t exaggerate…each year for every level about 3% of material is not covered by schweser…however, reading schweser saves you so much time that it allows you to master the other 97% and pass easily…since you just need 70% to pass. CFA is about strategy, and not perfection. schweser is great.

careful on IPS - both individual and institutional, schweser is not great

Jscott24 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > careful on IPS - both individual and > institutional, schweser is not great I hate to agree with a UVA grad, but I must here. ; ) Doing and attempting to understand all of the CFAI IPS problems is key. In fact, do them multiple times.

I am trying to study only from CFAI. However, if I feel its taking too long, might switch to Schweser later. Status: Finished SS 3 & 4 from CFAI

I’ve read about 100 pages of CFAI, and am already hating it. It’s so detailed that I can’t figure out the focus. I’m switching to shweser and not looking back…

Me too, Schweser is the key to success. CFAI is the key to perfection. I just need to pass…

amrcd1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Schweser is the key to success. CFAI is > the key to perfection. > I just need to pass… +100!

swaptiongamma Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > amrcd1 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Schweser is the key to success. CFAI is > > the key to perfection. > > I just need to pass… > > +100! +100

In the past 2 levels, I have studied from CFAI and referred to Schweser when it got too “fluffy”. This year however, it seems both the first and second book are filled wit sooooo much subjective crap that i can barely stay awake and not use Schw. Still, reading from the posts, it seems they are heavily tested on essays. I think I will just switch to 3rd book and Once i am done with 3,4,5, and 6 come back and attempt 2 from CFAI again…yawn…zzz…there … my sunday is gone.

I agree with using CFAI for IPS. Schweser is very good though. Don’t sweat using CFAI too much it will only stress you out. I passed last year and used only Schweser. However, I did do all the CFAI questions.