I bought the Core Topics book and it has no questions in it? I feel like I got robbed.
Ha. Same here. Only third party material has questions.
This is why I didn’t bother to buy any material from the CAIA directly and just went straight to the providers. The CFA (allegedly) used to be a lot like this too before they integrated the various articles and papers into semi-cohesive texts.
I only bought the materials from teh CAIA because I was afraid of running out of Kaplan Qbank questions. Bad call by me. Now I’m about to drop $200 on the final prep pack, which is what I should have bought in the first place. Office pays for it anyway, but still annoyed. Thought I was doing the “right thing” by getting the source materials. What a waste!
what are they giving you in $200?
My company pays 1/2 up front and half when you pass. Should have gotten everything at once, but I have to admit I underestimated the difficulty at first and was expecting it to be about the same as Level I. Boy was I wrong.
The step-up from L1 to L2 was probably as dramatic (or more?) than CFA L1 to L2. CAIA L1 was like a walk in the park; just do a bunch of test bank questions and you’re good. L2 dives a lot deeper into the arcane, stuff I rarely if ever see while actually working on alternatives!
Same here. I work in the space and there’s a lot of things they cover I have never seen and rarely, if ever, comes up. I would stop short of the jump from Level I to Level II, but this is coming from someone that thought Level II was the devil incarnate. And the hours required still don’t come close.