Short on Motivation

With 2.5 months to go for March exam, I am finding it very hard to concentrate on studying. How are you guys keeping yourself motivated? Hopefully we all will be able to pass in first go…

Put the books down for 4-6 weeks and then you’ll be 100% motivated until test day. I did it for both levels…stressful yet effective!

I haven’t really done anything yet. This is not going to go well. For level 1 I had already completed my first reading, made note cards etc by now. I have zero, and I mean zero, motivation going into this. Too much else going on in my life right now for me to care about this exam which is only really important to me.

+1 ^. Same here with me

You guys could literally start mid January and have a good shot. Take it easy during the holidays.

Thanks Quant jock for motivating words. I hope we all pass this exam like you did last year.

Thanks for starting the topic! I just came back from a two week vacation in SE Asia and woke up at 5 am three days this week attempting to study and found myself on instead. I feel a little more motivated now after reading this. Best to everyone.

I still haven’t done much. I finally got back from vacation in Vietnam today. My job gives me lots of flexibility so I’m hoping that if I get serious starting this week it will be enough.

Looking at where I am now and my commitments between now and the exam I have decided to focus on the CFA Level 3 and go for level 2 of the CAIA exam next September. I’ll probably still show up to the exam to see what the exam is like. Good luck guys!

chiken tikka are u an investment banker from mumbai?

Even though there is also CFA L3 coming up soon everybody seems to lack motivation. My CAIA books are still sitting around untouched :frowning:

Well since my last post I feel I have made some significant progress in the last two weeks… Finished reading the last 7 chapters in the Advanced Core topics book Finished the first reading in Current and Integrated Topics Printed out the Study guide from the CAIA website and wrote out all the keywords, questions and answers for the first two topics Bought the Schweser books and flashcards and plan to start in two weeks (once I finish all the questions and answers from the CAIA study guide) Plan to squeeze in Captain Windjammer’s study guide some time along the way. The plan is to do 25 hours a week until the exam date (haven’t registered yet) but if I can get March 16th as a date I will take it! Don’t give up hope it is not too late!!!

I’ve decided to knuckle down the next 10 days and see how I do. I’d still like to take the test even if I’m going to fail. I’m registered for March 3rd. I work in Mumbai for small private investors; I’m from the states.