Sleepy Joe

The Satanic Verses is a great book

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Indeed, and it seems to have the same effect on Muslims as Trump has on Democrats

Kamala is doing well in early voting

early voting underway

Let me guess: you’re one of those who thinks the vote is rigged if Kamala wins, but if Trump wins it’s not, right?

Word of advice: any time you find yourself in a situation where X and Y can happen, and regardless of what happens you think “Oh geez, I was right”, then you’re missing some basic logic.
Keep drinking that cool-aid!

lol. Not even close, but a nice attempt to change the subject nonetheless because there’s clearly nothing to see in that video.
Not sure how you got all that from a video of someone violating all sorts of rules to get a nursing home resident to vote for a specific candidate, and it would be appalling no matter for whom they were trying to get the resident to vote.
I’m not sure in which state that incident took place, but Washington State: Voting in Assisted Living Facilities came up first when I did a search.
It’s ok to ask ‘grandma’ for whom she wants to vote, it’s not ok to ask ‘grandma’ “do you want to vote for candidate X?”
It’s also not ok to give ‘grandma’ help she didn’t ask for, like putting a pen in her hand and then you writing with her hand.

p.s. it’s kool-aid.

Donald leading the “skin in the game” polls: Betting odds swing toward Donald Trump over Kamala Harris. Here’s why, what it means (

And speaking of Donald, has he been wearing less tan lotion this time around? He used to be more orange imo.

touched your nerve I see, but whatever makes you sleep at night, but yeah, I’m sure you’ll think the vote is rigged when Trump wins right.

ps. it’s cool-aid for cool kids like you.

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I’m quite sure The Donald will win. I hope he will, can’t stand the idea of Kamala being the President.

there was a guy on here i recall. that believed many of the rappers were butt buddies. I thought the dude was crazy.
Now P diddy has diddied a lot of the dudes including the biebz.
20% of the younger generation are not straight. the world has been turned upside down.
anyways, i’m republican now. very conservative. for example, i believe there is only 2 genders.

there was a guy on here i recall. that believed many of the rappers were butt buddies. I thought the dude was crazy.
Now P diddy has diddied a lot of the dudes including the biebz.
20% of the younger generation are not straight. the world has been turned upside down.
anyways, i’m republican now. very conservative. for example, i believe there is only 2 genders.

20% cant be gay. Prevalence of gayness in the population is something like 2-3%. Cant wait til P.Diddy’s dirty laundry is brought out to the open.

I believe in the pendulum theory in what comes to people’s views. At times the pendulum swings way to the left and there we start seeing crazy ■■■■ like people talking about multiple genders, polyamorism, Modern Monetary Theory, LGBTQ+ and intersectionality. We were there until lately but I guess the pendulum has started to swing the other way now as people are pivoting more towards conservative values.

It’s actually scary to see how much far right and far left are alike each other.
Both are very convinced that they know what’s up and see threats in the other extreme.
Both are batshit crazy.

20% are not gay for the overall population. For the new generation of kids. 20% are gay. Every generation has been getting gayer. They got a chart. The gen z is the gayest generation.

Their argument is that most people are really that gay in every generation. It’s just most are closeted.

I do agree gayness is a spectrum. I mean if my life is a regular person to make six figures or to be Justin Bieber with 300m at 30. There’s a point where if be willing to go a bit gay.

I do agree gayness is a spectrum. I mean if my life is a regular person to make six figures or to be Justin Bieber with 300m at 30. There’s a point where if be willing to go a bit gay.

That sounds really gay

Only gay if I like it amirite6? Can’t say. Signed an nda.

It’s gay only if you forget to say no h@mo.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe has moved on from sniffing to biting.
He bit 2 babies at the WH Halloween bash.

I guess he’s channeling Major.
Didn’t Biden put someone who identified as a dog in charge of nuclear waste?
(and didn’t they leave the administration after they got caught stealing luggage in an airport?)

Looks like Biden over there identifies as a dog as well.

Way back in the day Axel Oxenstiern, a legendary Swedish chancellor apparently said to his son "Son, if you only knew with how little wisdom the world is governed".

Seeing Biden getting lost in the White House garden, biting babies, Trump having a zealot of a advisor who says foreign policy should be ran with the help of Bible, kind of reminds me that times change but people do not.

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Sleepy Joe likes to smack guys in the *ss
Not sure how you categorize Sleepy Joe’s fetish: S&M? BDSM? gay? all of the above?

If you’re a Republican, watch out, you’re Sleepy Joe’s type

Sleepy Joe approves landmines for Ukraine, undoing his own policy

Part of the legacy of Diana Princess of Wales was her fight against landmines.
Sleepy Joe has approved landmines for Ukraine, which won’t change the outcome but will kill a lot of people on both sides and make peace negotiations a lot nastier.
The neocons seem determined to start WW3.