So how far are we in the curriculum?

I am almost at the end of Schweser Book 1, just wondering how are others doing? Is anyone following the textbook at all?

I stopped following the textbook and am just doing schweser. I just need to read the Real Assets section and them I’m done all reading and then its all q-bank/practice exams from there.

I have only done 3 readings from private equity.

What do you guys think on studying for 20 days straight using schweser only

Hey KKK,

I replied to your questions on the other thread; in summary, I recommend you just go for it and see how you do. Even if you don’t do as well as you hoped, you still get to see the real L2 exam and you have already paid the fees and registration anyways.

Triple K, you really ought to think about retiring that handle and getting another one.


Pretty stupid handle. There aren’t many other things that “KKK” could stand for…

That’s impressive!

I will only do schweser and then hit the Q-bank. There isn’t much time left anyway.

BTW, I really like this curriculum. Its a good value add to concepts learnt in CFA

The handle means nothing

My nick is KK but it was taken

so i just added the extra K

haha and here u r getting nazi on me.


My dad grew up in Eastern Germany. Don’t tell me I’m “getting Nazi” on you.

heavy days

heavy days, indeed.

I see the new study guide for March 2013 is out already.

Both texts are changing now. new edition of Wiley 2012

Good thing we’re getting Level 2 done before the curriculum change! I just want to get this program done ASAP.

so how far are you guys.

Im still on PE

still not finished HFs ! Wayy behind on my schedule… I’m a L1 candidate btw.

another 3 done

how did the exam prep end up going, bhaiyyu?

So I have decided to cover 90 % of the syllabus and spend the other time on revision. I figure that the expected cut-off rate for passing should be 60 - 65%, assuming pass rates are similar to CFA exams ( which gives me an additional margin of safety)

These days I am revising book 1, have finished book 2 - leaving risk management that is.

How’s your preparation coming Mustard&Fries?

I think you should be okay if you are getting around 70% on the practice exams. Are you doing L1 or L2? in either case, I don’t find the risk management sections to be too intense, judging from the curriculum.

I have read all the material and done qbank; now I am going through the practice exams as I type this.


That gives me hope! When are you taking the exam?