Sovereign wealth funds - research themes and sources


I have to write a paper on sovereign wealth funds and I was wondering what are the top issues in this segment of the industry and what are the top data / intelligence sources. Based on my preliminary research I gathered the following information:

For issues/themes:

  1. I scoured through SSRN for all the papers / research done so far on SWFs (with an aim to find interesting research ideas / issues of discussion)

For data sources:

  1. Industry databases such as, prequin, greenwich associates - for research articles (again to get a sense of what is important to the industry)

  2. News articles / research reports by various firms (all google search based).

My question to the forum people: Do you workdeal with this segment of the industry? What are the top issues that key stakeholders want research on?

Any other comment/ information relevant to the topic will also be much appreciated!

