Hey! I was wondering what people are doing for their study strategy? I took CFA 2 a few weeks back and picked up the schweser reading for the CAIA and have already read through it once. It seems to me like there isn’t a lot there to know compared to the CFA (Am I being lulled into complancency?). Still I want to design a bulletproof study plan. But as I don’t know anyone that has taken the exam I need some advice. Here’s my current study plan based on experience with the CFA: 1. Read the Schweser Material (Check) 2. Read the official material (Early July) 3. Read the Schweser Material again slowly and systematically answering all the questions.(July) 4. Watch the Schweser lectures. (July - Early August) 5. Work question bank problems (August) 6. Make flash cards for formulas and key things that need to be remembered. (Late August/Earl September) 6. Take Practice Exam (very end of August). Assess weaknesses and strengths. 7. Re-exam the reading material as needed after assessing practice exam (Early September). 8. Memorize index cards. Take whatever practice exams I can find. (early september) 9. Write the test and pass (Mid september) So feel free to critique my study plan or add in any suggestions on things that I should be doing. I’ll also be studying for Level 3 (if I passed) or Level 2 if I didn’t passively in the background. Thanks and Good Luck to the rest of you!