I covered ethics and GIPS from schweser notes only one day and I barely remember anything. My strategy is to leave it last thing (as in end of October) to cover it in depth from CFAI, after I got everything else out of the way! Is this a bad stategy? How do you go about yours?
I have so far covered Statistics and Economics and i am for the second time doing revision on both and should be finished by 29th. Now would you recommend:
a- to jump to Financial reporting straight after I am done my revision?
b- spend a good 4-5 days on ethics and start Financial reporting at the beginning of september?
But believe me, answering Ethics questions is a HABIT. (Just like practising it is too :))… So the best strategy for Level 1 is to do 5 mcqs a day. Keep doing them and if you dont have stock, REDO whatever you did again.
Here is how I prepared for it:
Dont sit and read the ethics books completely.
Watch summary videos which are available.
5 problems everyday till I get into that HABIT of finding the right answer.
Solve ethics questions at EOC, Blue boxes, Scenarios given in the book and Schweser materials.
If you completed 4, start doing it again right from scratch.
As I said, its a habit. Once you start doing it the way I said, the answer would literally pop out for you All the best!
I did ethics last. And then for the last 1.5 months, did ethics QBank questions every other day. Like the above poster said, its really habitual. By the time the test came around, when I read a ethics question I already knew the answer, because I alreaddy answered a similar question 20 times before.