Studying for CAIA


I just cleared CFA and was looking into CAIA as I work with some AI.

Do you study CAIA like CFA? 4-6 months?

IS it easier? Can I just use Schweser?


I would say each CAIA level can be passed with 2-3 months, and that it is easier to study for. The content is way more interesting, IMO, than some of the CFA stuff. I would say that overall, CAIA is easier than CFA (keep in mind that I haven’t taken CFA L2 exam yet, so take my word for what its worth).

I used only the textbook for L1 and had no problem on the exam, I thought it was very fair. Not super easy, but fair.

I am using only Schweser for L2 and am finding it way more efficient - It is handy especialy if you are in a time crunch. I wish I would have used Schweser for L1, too; it would have made studying alot easier.

Caia is much easier to pass than CFA although the exams are similar in difficulty. The bar is just set much lower in my opinion for caia.

ok, sounds good, thanks guys

No problem, best of luck with the exam! let us know how it goes.

Agree, and very practical as well. Talks about real life scenarios more often than what I saw in CFA.

^Agreed. Although, I almost wish there were a 3rd level that exclusively looked at trading strategies and applied stuff like that