Example 2 (Disclosure of Interdepartmental Referral Arrangements): James Handley works for the trust department of Central Trust Bank. He receives compensation for each referral he makes to Central Trust’s brokerage department and personal financial management department that results in a sale. He refers several of his clients to the personal financial management department but does not disclose the arrangement within Central Trust to his clients.
Appropriate disclosure means communicating before an investment professional enters into a contract with a client or a prospective client. The reporting of referral fees include type (i.e. flat fee, percentage of business), as well as estimate value. This should be done in writing , with both parties signing a written agreement.
“Should be” is a recommendation; “must be” is a requirement.
The Standard does not require that the disclosure be in writing, so it is not a violation of the Standard to make the disclosure verbally. The recommended procedures for compliance do not mention disclosure in writing.
The example you cite makes a recommendation; it does not establish a requirement.