Synthetically creating risk/return profile

Question: To synthetically creating the risk/return profile of an underlying commmon equity security:

Correct Option: Buy the corresponding future contract and invest in T-bill.

I don’t understand the question as well as the answer. Any take on this one?


You’re trying to pretend that you own the underlying.

To do so, you take the long position in a futures contract, and buy a bond that matures on the day the futures expires; the par value of the bond will be the futures price, so yo have enough to pay for delivery. It’s a risk-free bond, so you haven’t introduced any additional risk.

Note: this doesn’t work if the underlying has cash flows between the date you enter into the futures and the expiration date.

It’s useful for several questions to remember the formula: stock = risk-free bond + stock futures.

You can change up the formula for any component, like so: risk-free bond = stock - stock futures.

what about synthetic cash? is it sell futures + sell bond?

I think that if you sell a bond you get real cash, not synthetic cash.

synthetic cash = hold stock + short stock futures

you will earn the risk free rate, essentially holding cash.