Team wins at Polo using six cloned horses

“Last Saturday, at a prestigious match in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo, polo player Adolfo Cambiaso rode six different horses to help his team win. That in itself is not remarkable: Cambiaso is widely considered the world’s best polo player. What is noteworthy is that all six horses were clones of the same mare—they’re named Cuartetera 01 through 06.”

So, in polo, you can clone the same, superior horse and win championships that way? In the future, we’re just going to have sports teams with clones of Tom Brady or LeBron. The polo guy didn’t even bother to give them different names. So, I guess we will just have Tom Brady #1, Tom Brady #2, and so on.

If they’re clones, why don’t they all look exactly the same?

Nah, well just edit Tom Brady’s genes into embryos. Maybe call certain sets of genes the Tom Brady starter pack. It’ll go for $1,000.

If you are referring to the markings on the horses, those are determined by random mutations. So, even clone horses will have different markings, even though they have the propensity for similar color and roughly similar markings.

I was indeed. TY for the clarification.

“Begun, the Clone War has.”


what happens when all 5 lebrons start cramping at the same time?

Do cloned animals grow at the same rate as they usually would? I presume so, right …

extra advantage to cloned horsies is on field communication. said it once and said it a million times, clones and identical twins can talk through verbal telepathy. watch your six around those buggers :open_mouth:!

^Trying hard to be KenM recently, huh?

For reference: (SFW)

verbal telepathy is called talking

or in horsey language: neiiggghhhhhh

This will probably happen one day. Not necessarily for Brady, but a pro player. An attempt will be made to replicate performance in the same pro league. But, I feel nurture and drive/motivation are important factors that may be underestimated. Also, pro leagues change in talent and dynamic. It’s pretty good to have the right genes and motivation at the right time.