Terror attack in NYC


Hope all you NY folks are alright.

I just ran there this morning . Sick stuff

I am all right

Sleeper Cell.

This was a don the con plant to distract from mueller time

Truck of peace strikes again

What is notable is how little people in NY are concerned about this. I guess it is just another thing that happens around here.

Earnings brah!

Who is this troll?..

can we finally have a rational debate about banning trucks? when will enough be enough?

Well, GS headquarters is just a couple of blocks away. I bet those analysts didn’t even look up from their spreadsheets.

I think the debate should instead be about legalizing bazookas. I mean, if terrorists are just going to use trucks, why would we try to restrict them at all?

Someone who is incredibly more of a coward than the actual guy who killed innocent people.

5 of the 8 were Argentine tourists there for a 30 year high school reunion. They weren’t even Americans. Tragic. RIP


The hapless FBI reportedly interviewed the perp previously. Chuckle Schumer has some egg on his face. Wasn’t it his lottery based ‘diversity’ immigration program that let this guy in?

google is in bed with terrorists to get self-driving accepted in general society.

I saw this this morning on CBS and it really choked me up. They showed their group picture at the airport and they all looked so happy. What do you even say at this point. It’s so senseless and unfair. Legitimately lost this morning.

Travel ban?

Glad we have a president that believes in a merit based system, extreme vetting, and will name our enemies! The leader that America needed!

in all honesty i read stories about cab drivers running down bikers several times a year, this story is sad and all but what am i going to do about it get all up in arms and change my entire life?