The Movie Thread

Of course it fundamentally changed the movie - movies are meant to be seen the way they’re made (or at least the version that exists after the final cut). It kills me that whatever network you watched this on was ok with the violence but god forbid someone drop an f-bomb or flash a nipple.

Just watched a movie called “Moonrise Kingdom”, which came out in 2013. Really bizarre movie. Not sure that I really understood it.

I’ve not seen it, but it’s a Wes Anderson film, so not surprising that it’s bizarre.

I saw South Paw: good action and ok plot, it was entertaining

Child 44: i would recommend this, some pretty strange twists and for some reason not really marketed her in the states

Caught Ex Machina on PPV over the weekend. Probably the best movie I’ve seen in the last few years. Really blew me away. The visuals, sound editing and score, and a great story to go along with it.

Can’t recommend it enough.

Watched Ex Machina last night. I highly recommend it. Really interesting portrayal of potential issues with AI.

ex machina bros. Got a 98% on rotten tomatoes

ex machina is a good movie!! If you like that movie then watch ‘her’ also very good and about AI

Sexy robots yeah. Naked chicks.

I liked it. Typical Wes Anderson humor. Not my favorite of his, but worth a watch. Grand Budhapest Hotel was awesome.

Watched “Dallas Buyer’s Club” last night. The two lead actors were awesome.

(FYI - I rarely go to the movies. It’s usually DVR for me, which is why I’m about two years behind. I do plan on going ~December 18, though.)

My wife says that the new Mission Impossible movie has been getting good reviews; we may go see it, despite the new puppy.

You’re also really excited about the buddy comedy “Sisters” featuring Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and the big brother from The Goonies?

i like artsy fartsy movies that Ed Norton stars in.

I just saw Rainman for the first time in 20 years - I really liked it. Netflix.

You mean like the Incredible Hulk movie? That was pretty frustrating, because there is one scene where he is about to hook up with Liv Tyler, but then he can’t do it because he feels himself turning into the Hulk. What a wasted opportunity for a great scene.

Hulk Smash?

I heard good things about Ex Machina. Is it awkward? ie. would you watch it with your parents? I’m okay with minimal nude scenes. Also, are there any torture scenes because I wouldn’t be able to stomach that?

A few movies that have piqued my interest lately:

Jupiter Ascending

Terminator: Genisys


Anybody seen any of these? Any comments?

I am glad that this film has garnered some attention, as it is a good film, even not counting the sexiness. Watching this movie was perhaps the one benefit from being stuck on a plane for 13 hours surrounded by weird foreign people, but anyway.

Actually, there is not much sex stuff. The robot is just hot. It’s not really awkward. Just maybe a bit disturbing sometimes, but more in an intellectual or thought provoking way. There are no physical torture scenes… it’s more of torture… of the mind. Dun dun dunn…