Am a huge sci-fi fan, but didn’t see the point in Ex Machina. Seemed like zero new ideas and really lazy as far as creating a world. Man builds machine, machine rebels, movie over [yawn]. And it’s basically present day, but with AI, which doesn’t make sense.
Jesus Christ. Can you just be agreeable for one day?
I agree it was not great, if that helps.
Just saw “Let’s Be Cops” and laughed the whole way through with my wife. We watch “New Girl” too so maybe that helped us, as the two main characters basically play the same characters they play on “New Girl”.
I saw meet Joe Black for the first time in a while - great flick (anthony hopkins, brad pitt)
have been talking to a screenwriter lately named Randy Gamble - he’s writing a new HBO series coming out in the spring - contracted for two 9 episode seasons
Watched two movies on the DVR recently:
“Dumb and Dumber To” - had some laughs, but didn’t live up to the original
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” - The best part of this movie was when the credits rolled, because I knew I’d never have to waste time on it again.
RHPS, you have to “experience” the movie in a theater to really appreciate it. Sadly, I don’t think any theaters still do the experience anymore.
Very true. Half of the fun is the audience participation. Actually, virtually all of it is.
I still pull out an imaginary lighter and hold it up when someone says “There’s a light,” just to see if anyone else notices.
All said, I find the actual Rocky Horror Picture Show pretty darned silly and kinda boring. But the audience stuff is amusing.
Watched “Tin Cup” for the first time last night. It was good, but not one that will make it into the DVD collection.
Interestingly enough–the fictional town of Salome, TX, sits at the intersection of 67 and 329, which is about 50 miles south of MIdland, and Midland is actually referenced in the film. I know this because that’s right on my route to/from San Antonio.
How many AF’ers can say that they live in a city that’s referenced in a major motion picture?
All of us that live in NYC or London lol
Most of M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs was filmed within a few miles of my house. Portions of Law Abiding Citizen were also filmed nearby. The casino scenes in Safe (Jason Statham) were filmed in the Parx Casino, which is about 10 miles away. Parts of The Station Agent as well.
KC’s movie claim to fame is The Day After, a “graphic, disturbing film about the effects of a devastating nuclear holocaust on small-town residents of eastern Kansas.”
I haven’t seen it, but I guess back in the day it caused quite the stir around these parts. Sending people, particularly kids, to therapy-type of scary.
Actually, none of the film (Tin Cup) was shot in West Texas, except the the lone shot of the intersection of 329 and 67.
As Ohai noted, one of the opening scenes in Swordfish was supposed to be Midland. It attempted to depict Midland as a dilapidated sh*thole, but the city is actually pretty nice and extremely affluent.
No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, and The Rookie were actually filmed out here.
Said sadly, no part of “Friday Night Lights” was actually filmed in West Texas, except for the opening scene that showed the football stadium.
u all seen black mass? It’s actually pretty good for a jonny depp movie.
^ Is that the recent one where he plays Whitey Bulger? Trailers looked good, but haven’t seen.
folks in the boston area are pretty upset with this film as it reportedly gives Bulger a ‘humanity’ that didn’t exist. The complaint is that it depicts him as something other than a complete monster. so out of respect to those family members, i won’t see it.
^Speaking of…I’ve never seen Schindler’s List. Is it worth watching? Am I really missing something by not watching it?