The Righteous Hacksaw

Yeah, you guys won’t understand, but that’s because you dont have Russian soul. You either have it or not. Ivan Drago knows what I’m saying.

Maybe because she is bisexual, she appreciates having a woman inside another woman?

“russian soul”…lol…now iv’e heard it all.

Haha, you dont have to be a bisexual chick to appreciate that. I for one certainly do.


Hold on, I’ve said time and time again that there are exceptions. You are probably one of them krnyc2008. But my risk mandate may not allow me to invest in such. It is not all or most, it’s enough though that your average naive investor should avoid them as an instrument all together.

Sorry. Russian women are the female equivalent of writing a Credit Default Swap. Solid and consistent pssy premium payoff. Unlimited downside potential. Only for sophisiticated investors who know how to manage their risk.

I love Russians. But just as I told Ivan Drago that Russians have a “theft thing.” Russian women, especially the kind that go on the internet looking for men, have a similar attitude towards taking advantage of men. Especially rich and gullible foreign ones.


My point is you confuse exceptions (“the kind that go on the internet looking for men”) with the general rule. But I guess we agree to disagree.

And dude, stop applying finance references to women – it’s (and I am saying it gently) kind of ehhh… Grapes are much better:) Although I absolutely disagree with the reference!!!

Oh please. People are people everywhere with the same needs, desires, worries and hopes. Don’t buy into this whole “Russian Soul” non-sense. It’s often used to justify doing stupid things…

For most people it’s “i got soul,but i’m not a soldier”…for russians it’s the other way round

No way, this is a forum for financial professionals. This is the best way to convey your message.

Sounds like America has de-seeded you. Shame.

I’m in San Fran and NYC a couple of times a year, and I’m not impressed by the talent in either cities. Oddly enough, I think midwest girls are much prettier especially where I’m at with a heavy Scandinavian population.

I get what TRH is saying, though I think the language is extreme. I think that Westerners have a set of expectations that are likely to be surprised when getting involved with Russian or Eastern Europeans, particularly when the westerner is male and the easterner is female. I’m sure the easterner also has a set of expectations that the westerner probably ends up coming up short on, too, so the dynamic is definitely more complex than “smart russian woman takes advantage of gullible western man,” but from the westerner’s perspective, that’s what it will look and feel like. So if TRH is advising a western man who doesn’t have any idea what he’s getting into and doesn’t already know the culture and what Russian women expect from their men, this is a warning that will resonate.

I hear Russians talking about how Russians have “soul” and it always seems to come off as if other people don’t have soul (seems to go along with other people not having culture either). I tend to interpret it as the fact that there is some kind of internal “code of behavior” that Russians respect that is unique to Russians, and to me, that’s fine, every culture has something like that, and Russians are entitlted to be excited about their code, although from my perspective, I think that that soul contains both good and bad things.

They say that the “Russian soul” is captured in Russian literature and poetry, and so if you can’t read them in the original Russian, you will never understand what it is, but it’s supposed to be how Russians understand the essence of life, particularly through suffering - life is basically long bouts of suffering punctuated by a few moments of joy, and that you must flower and enjoy as much as you can in those few moments, before the long night and winter hits you again. Meanwhile, play chess and solve puzzles and plot revenge on your enemies to keep from getting too bored.

My ex explained “soul” as saying, for example, that even though both Stalin and Hitler were totalitarians, Russians could never do something as horrific as the Holocaust, but the policy of pograms under the Tsars and the fact that Stalin managed to kill tens of millions more than Hitler through purges, deliberate starvation, gulags, and post-war cleansings, just doesn’t seem to bear out the conclusion that Russian exterminations are different and kinder because they are executed with soul. That said, in the US we had a de-facto (if not de-jure) extermination policy against Native Americans before 1900, so we’re not exactly squeaky clean on the genocide count, either.

I do think that puritanical feminism has basically made most American women rather flavorless as women, and more like “men who happen to be anatomically female.” I thought the “seedless grape” image was interesting. Part of the problem is that in an attempt to address (real) past injustices to women, the answer has been to try to make women equal to men in all ways, without considering that women may actually want different things than men. Yet in the racial arena, “separate but equal” was a policy that opened up a world of injustices of its own, and so feminism in the US has basically tried to create women that are identical to men, because if they are identical, it’s harder to argue that they are unequal. Educated American women (at least in my generation) were also taught that to do anything that delights a man (whether it’s cook for him, or sleep with him, or dress sexy for him, whatnot) is tantamount to treason against women, because it involves giving a man something he wants, and that supports patriarchy. Not all women end up belieiving this, but it does create a good deal of cognitive dissonance when they do do something nice (i.e. “I love him, but should I really be doing this?”)

As a result, in the US, there is this almost incessant need for one-upsmanship and competition within the relationship which gets in the way of tenderness and opening up vulnerabilities and creating the trust that comes from that, and those things ultimately are what make the relationship different than FWB-cum-monogamy. I can’t remember the last time I had an american GF. I’m happy to be friends with American women (they make good friends), and they make for excellent workers - I’d have no problem hiring them if I were in that position - but as a romantic partner, I’ve found them about as satisfying as Wonder bread.

Yes! I am empty inside. But look at the bright side - you’ll never have to deal with me:)


I have a real life example of a Russian girl with a kid (from previous marriage) marrying an American who is over 40, successfully moving there with the kid to live and staying together for more than 15 years now. The American guy is very happy, believe me I saw it, and most probably it is partly due to this phenomenon ‘Russian soul’, which krnyc2008 calls nonsense.

But there are other girls which will twist things the other side. And they are indeed a lot.

Nowadays, we draw the same parallel with girls from province (which is nowadays everything other than Moscow) and Moscow guys. Exactly the same story. Basically, girls from province will do anything to move to Moscow, because life in province really sucks and the easiest way is to find a Moscow guy.

But here is the problem. Moscow guys are kinda spoilt and choosy. They see these hot chicks on the streets every day and will succumb only to the real beauty. Moreover, Russian guys are not gullible and know the thing.

I also spotted that the hottest chicks from province try to make it in Moscow, chicks that are no so successful try to move abroad because foreigners are not so choosy and as TRH said are gullible in general.

Now, krnyc2008, please do NOT take it on your account. I just spotted the trend recently, how it works. And it has nothing to do with you, because you are obiously an exception from all possible sterotypes ))

Besides, life in Moscow is real fun nowadays. Not so many people from Moscow really want to move to the ‘land of opportunities’. This sterotype is not true anymore.

^ Woooo Good post, Big Gay BChad. I think you hit the nail on the head in many ways.

Yes, if I were advising Russian women on advice for dating Russian men I would have a whole different set of advice for them. They should understand that western men don’t do things like pull out your chair and carry your bags all of the time (especially if you don’t ask them to). I would advise them that western men don’t really think they should have to take care of you or pay for dinner just because you guys are sleeping together.

There are real cultural differences in expectations between sexes. It can be a challenge.

Yep, give me my black russian bread over “Wonder Bread” any day. Although these days I’d prefer a nice French baguette.

Good insight. Yes, life in Putin’s RUSSIA is damn good for those in Moscow with money. If I were rich as Hell and Russian I’d stay in Moscow too, except for maybe having a summer place in Turkey (which is basically Russia these days anyways).

I’m moving back to Moscow after B-school. I love it there. I would not have left except I could not afford to live there back then when I was a 22 year old recent grad. Hopefully, now I’ll be able to live the good life.

I love me some rural Russian girls too. I just know not to trust them as far as I can throw them.

KRNYC has lost the soul - it sounds like. I bet she even pays all of her taxes.

Let the circle jerk of pissed off recently single guys continue…anyone on here married to a foreign woman that wants to chime in? Other than Purealpha that is…

bchad, lots of truth in your post

I guess in Russia we still have this pervasing stereotype of men being the breadwinners and women being the family keepers. Which I believe is very close to how nature designed the humans.

BWYF, I pretty much am?

In America women make all the money. Most American men can’t keep a good job. Women make way better employees. They ask for less, are more dependable, and do more. I bet KRNYC makes more money than all of us. What need does she have for a man? None. Hence, she’s single. Whereas I can still add value to a russian peasent girl.

TRH, after you graduate from b school and get a really good position in Moscow, I will come to you for interview to get employed haha

Pretty much doesn’t count. It seems to me that most of the American men commenting have some kind of issue, likely had their heart broken by an American woman at some time in the past and never forgave them. There is infinitely more diversity in the US than in Russia, so making generalizations is even more inneffective. I mean, other than bchad, were all of your mothers bloodsucking career women? Man, I’ve been on this forum too long.