The Righteous Hacksaw

I’m actually in Moscow this week negotiating this exact transaction. Don’t tell anyone. Drago, let’s ride!

Squander and drink the commission, Moscow girls will absorb it really fast, you will be amazed haha

Ivan, do girls ever buy you a drink? Just curious. Or would it be a big turn off?

Well, it probably happened only once, i was tired somewhat 3-4am but the girl was energetic and apparently showed some sympathy towards me (which is strange haha) and she bought me a drink, though all I wanted was a good a sleep, what a bastard

But why on earth do you ask? It is unusual, but maybe wrong at all, depends on the circumstances

Your comment to RTH made me wonder.

I think it is more common here in NYC for a girl to get you a drink… Or at least girls don’t expect you to buy every single one of theirs…

Hmm… Maybe I should move to Moscow

It’s a good idea

I’m in peter right now. The girls are so hot and running around half naked. What I love about this time if year in Russia is that most women don’t even bother to wear underwear.

TRH, don’t fap

^ Just got the real thing. God bless mother russia.

This is what my life looks like right now:


I think you and krnyc should make it in karaoke

Hmm… Interesting…

Russian women go commando? Definitely takes them up a notch.

Nope. I’ll never be just another chick in his string.

^ ofcourse no, you will crush the string

lol yeah I am not that naive anymore…

TRH, ever visit any hookers in Russia?

i’m pretty sure this is the type of girls he liaises with in Russia.

or idiot girls dreaming about American boy taking them to Colorado

Colorado? Kind of random…do Ukranian girls dream of Montana now?

^ Both types add value.

Althought the one I just F’ed is a charterholder!

Both types? Eww