The Righteous Hacksaw

I should add that the real lesson is that it’s hard to have a good relationship across cultural boundaries, and almost impossible if neither partner understands the other culture. Little misunderstandings get interpreted as large slights, and the inventory of quiet resentments can build up faster than anyone suspects, and then, all of a sudden, almost any degree of what (when things were good) might be considered “treachery” suddenly seems justified, and the other partner can’t understand why. The only real question in such situations (neither party understanding the other’s culture) is which parter blows up first.

I think the Eastern European/Former Soviet - Western/UK/US gap is one of the larger ones, and it’s particularly treacherous because we seem much more similar on the surface. We look similar, our histories have been intertwined for centuries, and so it seems more surprising when the differences come up than they would if it were a western-Chinese relationship or something like that.

If two people make an effort to understand each other’s culture, and if people can talk and be understanding of those differences, things can work, but there are just so many potential pitfalls, most people can’t handle it.

It’s amazing how attention is paid to the topic of Russia and Russian girls on this forum. Honestly, I have not had so much discussion on the issue for a very long. And I like the invisible yet palpable context of west vs east, this dialectics gets us closer to the truth.

I like dialectics. Not so much a fan of materialism.


These are two different operas

Ahhh, I don’t even know where to start…

As a girl from a small provincial town I remember vividly how we’ve been treated as second class citizens by people from Moscow. I blame the stupid “propiska” concept. If not required, I bet lots of girls (and boys) from small towns could make it on their own w/out being humiliated and look down upon. Thank god NYC doesn’t discriminate like that and everyone gets a chance to get somewhere by putting in the work…

I agree - Moscow guys are kinda spoilt and choosy. And I draw parallel with NYC guys here…

Well I came to NYC too early for anyone to predict whether I’ll be successful or not, but your sarcasm is duly noted…

I believe your last point is true as well. I mean why would you leave a place with so much cash floating around and no rules enforced, right?:wink:

In America women make all the money. Most American men can’t keep a good job. Women make way better employees. They ask for less, are more dependable, and do more. I bet KRNYC makes more money than all of us. What need does she have for a man? None. Hence, she’s single. Whereas I can still add value to a russian peasent girl.


Your first two sentences are simply not true. And no we don’t ask to be paid less. Seriously man?

I doubt I make more than any of you but when my ex of 7 years decided to walk out on me last year, it was kind of nice to know that at least financially I am not falling apart… Wouldn’t work out that way for a peasant girl I bet.

Nice, you’re from Novyizhopinsk?

Yeah it all makes sense now why you like America so much. Compared to some glukhoi gorod NYC must seem like the land of opportunity that we Americans like to believe it is. You did well to get your popa out of there and to NYC.

Sorry bout your ex. That can’t be fun. But you can take care of yourself pretty easily if you have your finances in check. Who needs a boyfriend?

Ouch. No need to get nasty here really. What made you so bitter?

I wasn’t being bitter or nasty. I was congratulating you on getting out of a shitty russian village and into a good finance job in NYC.

I was also commiserating with you about your ex walking out saying that you don’t need him.

That’s as nice as I get.

TRH, krnyc2008, you guys would make an awesome couple.

A movie with two of you (smth like ‘War of Roses’) would be kickass.

BTW, krnyc2008 why do you always go into defence? no one is assaulting you really

Nah… The heat is making me cranky… Plus I am in pain and bruised all over… Don’t ask - I did it to myself…

Oh, so you are nice in a rough kind of way, I see:)

Well I’m glad my one comment could stir up so much excitement on an otherwise boring Monday.

Haha, true. Btw I thought you were Russian before, because “kanuck” sounds like a funny russian word with no real meaning…


don’t lower your coolness quotient - stay the hot-chick-banging mountain climber and stop thinking in cliches.

Personal relationships don’t follow the rules of passive investing.

You may be joking to goad krnyc but I just hope you haven’t taken the joke too far and started believing in your own words.

Yep, they are writing a book about my sex life. It is called “50 Blades of Hacksaw.”

I knew there is a reason I don’t read those kinds of books

Hey, TRH, do you think it will be a good idea for Abramovich to buy the CFAI?

A real cash cow there.

Roman abramovich?

Guy can suck my balls…

OR the existing charterholders should own it and get % of the revenue