The Solution to the Indian "Gang"'em style problem

This will solve the gang rapes and the child selection issue: “Say no to Gang Bang, so yes to Gang Marriage!”


Uppam gang’em style!

Well… based how they are smiling, something must be working…

Seriously, don’t they look happy?

Grins ear to ear.

The guy at the back with the shaggy hair looks a bit too happy. He must have been latest in the rotation.

Or you can end up like these guys.

he he…

it’s funnier that you read the sun though

Ok, I’m a bit confused. The article says she is officially married to Guddu who is 21, but it was an arranged marriage. Guddu has 3 older brothers. Wouldn’t there have been arranged marriages for them first?

How come she only has one kid?

^^ Maybe it’s that if she has an arranged marriage and his older brothers aren’t married by the time the arranged marriage is to take effect, then she has to marry all of the groom’s brothers as well?

My bigger question is what do they do with the extra women? If the overall population is 50% men, 50% women and some women have more than one husband, then there ultimately are some women with no husbands. Do they have to leave?

I think this is a perfectly reasonable idea. Feminists can say it gives women the option of multiple partners, and traditionalists can note that there is precedent for it in our religious texts! Jai ho.

I was thinking the same thing. Some serious infertility issues there. I’m thinking 4 of the brothers are shooting blanks.