The vote is broke, still using stone age methods, anyone in silicon valley could fix it with an iPhone app and biometric scan, that’s easy, the analysis is on the blockers that disallow fixing problems. For example, American’s love of feuding!!
Vice did an interesting story on rigging voting machines. As it turns out, the “newer” voting machines are easily hacked. Like, really, really easily. The best option for a fraud-free election is to still use paper.
I believe this blocker has come up a number of times. This is the “the government is evil, I must protect my personal information from them”?? We would need a whole thread to discuss that.
Where in my question do I say the government is evil? I just want to know how they will get the biometric scan. It’s a very simple, straight-forward question. Are you unable to answer it?
Irrelevant details, these are decided after starting the job, not before. We are not workers in silicon valley hired to do this job. Why would I be able to answer tech questions? Why would my not being able to answer tech questions be “ah ha, see I knew it wouldn’t work!”.
Which reveals yet another blocker; Americans are Negative Nancys , preoccupied with failure, yet only when it comes to failure to get back their own rights, not failure of the corporation/government to take their rights. Victim psychology…beat dogs.
How does iPhone get your fingerprint? You touch your iPhone. Done.
But if the government is controlled and manipulated by “the corporate AI” for their own ends, as you said, wouldn’t handing over Biometric information like that be unwise??
Although registering to vote is easier than buying cigarettes, I"m all for an easier, more efficient process to facilitate voting. I was hoping your advanced analytical skills could produce a solution, but it appears I overestimated your analytical skills. My bad.
Yes, you need to address root cause, which either automatically fixes the symptoms, or makes them fixable. To the specific question, yes you are in check mate.
So, finally you get around to actually reading the thread, and post this? You’re really far behind kid. What you have done is skimmed, and tried to find surface somethings for a quickie post. Blockers illustrated: 1) ADHD, 2) micro-argumentation.