This is why people are fat

cmon bchad lets keep it off and play for keeps, verbally that is

Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a wiiner! It seems the debate is why obese societies consume more calories. There is no debate that is the case, right? Why is that so hard for you flat earthers to acknowledge? The “why” is an interesting discussion and a lot of good arguments have been made, but the fact americans overeat remains. Say it! Say it! You can do it!

I’ve moderated a lot, and I can tell you that I am totally winning in points against you. And what’s great about arguing with you, is that it doesn’t even matter how I measure the points. I just tell you I’m right and I win.


^PA found a hammer and thinks everything is a nail. I’m surprised you haven’t bored of his banter. It’s cute at first and then you start realizing what is behind the screen.

Wasn’t there a study that concluded that rats which ate the very least possible to survive lived like 2x longer

Yeah, but those rats never had to run away from a predator…

Oh good grief, two always-mentioned thinking errors. But you did them both at once!!

Hey guys, instead of obsessing on creating “arguments” to prove how smart you are or whatever (and then dying of a metabolic syndrome disease), just print my elegant theory out and think about it for decades. Check back in 30 years, or maybe 30,000 years…eventually the dipshits will figure it out. Or maybe not?

This makes sense.

+1 he is a strange strange person

In my decades analyzing macro-type problems I’ve heard all the “words of wisdom” you can imagine kiddo. In 2007 my CFA boss told me “but CDOs are just different tranches of risk/return, we should not be afraid of that which we do not understand”, in response to my recommendation NOT to be holding those. Thanks for reading directly from the CFA text book Teresa, a very BChad type response! What matters in an analysis is being right. Who here can disprove my elegant formula? [everyone shushes up because they can’t even remember back 10 minutes to what the forumla was…LOL, see related decreasing cranial capacity thread]

thats a great story about your CFA boss

but really you just like to rant on here about subjects that cause controversy with nothing to back it up

So you were right about something 9 years ago and that’s supposed to prove that you’re right about something completely unrelated today?

I’d mention the difference between proof and evidence, but this isn’t even evidence.

I think someone who would use that as a support to their argument is either really young and immature, or a dbag.

Well, the question should have been which foods are nutritious, but here are the results. Nobody asks if a 2X4 is healthy and I can assure you a cooked pork chop is dead. My diet consists of much of the bottom-left quartile and my blood work could not be better. There is even some evidence, given my cholesterol numbers, plaque cannot form in my arteries. Go figure.

meh … I agree with 70%

actually there’s a fairly large and growing body of evidence that grains are in fact very bad for humans for a whole host of reasons. Same with sugar.

Just off off the top of my head - inhibits nutrient absorption, causes leaky gut, acidity causes inflammation, all of which affect overall mood, cognitive function, durability, immune system. Shall I continue or are you ready to apologize for such an offensively ill-informed statement?

Except for the whole 1000hrs of analysis thing, combined with a long track record of being right (much of it documented on here). My speciality are macro-problems, too big for people to see the obvious. The dabblers always say the same thing, time passes, I’m right, they change their story to “we always knew that”, then restart the cycle. :wink: That chart above is yet another example of the blind-to-evolution stupidity. Zero basis for what Americans and “nutritionists” believe, so why ask them? Opinions do not alter biology, time does. Reorganizing that chart using my elegant formula gives the correct answer.

1000 hours of analysis on a different subject than mentioned means nothing

Nope, 1000 hours of analysis on this subject. And it means something, cause I got correct answer.

Speaking of which, hmm I notice nobody has challenged the fact that my formula backtests flawlessly, they never do. Because there are zero observations which are not explained by it.