Too late for L3 in Feb 24?

Wrote and missed my first try @ L3 last August after a decade+ gap from L2.

Been bogged down with work so couldnt give this Aug/Sept a shot.

Conssidering the next test in Feb but wondering if 5 months would cut it. Work can but unpredicitlbe but think I can budget approx 2 hrs a day during the week and 3-4 Sat / Sun, getting me 350+ hours.

Any thoughts or experiences with knocking it out within a short wimdow would be much appreciated.


I passed Level III with exactly that schedule.

Best of luck to you!

You’ve already put in some hours, so you should be in a good position!!! :+1:

If you finish your reading, say 60% of the curriculum last August, and put effort to keep committed the two hours. It will be great. Best luck to you.

Just registered for L3 yesterday after a 5 year break. Same work variables. Not answering your question but you’re not alone :wink: