Fund return: -25 %, -20 %, -12%, -8%, -2%, 0 %, 6 %, 9 %
Probability: 0.005, 0.02, 0.025, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.25, 0.1
Mean fund return : 1.53 % annually
Fund return volatility: 6.47 annually
Fund value: USD 110 mln
Q: the VaR at the 5 % level is calculated as…
a) USD 13.2
b) USD 22.0
c) USD 12.0
My calculation was 0.0153 - (1.65 x 0.0647) = -0.091455, then -0.091455 x 110 mln = 10,06 mln. Correct answer is simply 0.12 % x 110 mln= 13.2 mln. Why are we not using the first equation? Is it because we are not being asked to calculate the yearly VaR?