Ya CFAI has totally confused the readers with these examples. I think the clues are if the problem specifically states "C alculate Estimated Transaction Cost" or “Calculate Implementation Shortfall”.
For “Calculate Estimated Transaction Costs” -
Buying Stock: (shares)(Executed Price - Target Price) + Explicit Costs
Selling Stock: (shares)(Target Price - Executed Price) + Explicit Costs
For “Calculate Implementation Shortfall”:
Realized P&L % = (Fills / Total Shares) [(Execute Price - Decision Price) / Benchmark Price]
Delayed Costs % = (Fills / Total Shares) [(Price T-1 - Benchmark Price) / Benchmark Price]
Missed Costs % = (No Fills / Total Shares) [(Final Price - Benchmark Price / Benchmark Price)]
Explicit Costs % = (Commissions & Fees) / [(Benchmark Price)*(Total Shares)]
*Note you have to calculate Realized P&L and Delayed Costs for each day where trades are filled. Missed Opportunity Costs are only calculated once, after the problem states the trade is canceled.
*Always a good idea to double check the long form IS calculations against the short form method.
*CFA is very inconsistent about the Decision Price which can change based on the number of days in which the trades are executed. The way I am approaching it is if its the First Day of the Trade and the problem has the word “decision” in it, or does not list a prior day’s closing price, then use that most recent bid/ask mid point as the Decision Price. If it does not say “decision” then assume the prior day’s ending price, unless somehow the problem specifically states Decision Price is X. If the problem is on the Second or later trading days the Decision Price then become the prior day closing price.
*CFA seems to specifically state the Benchmark Price so always just look for that statement.
Again, I think CFAI has done a terrible job with this Reading 29, they don’t even provide a specific set of formulas for the reader. However, this is my understanding of how to navigate this section of the material, so hope this helps.
I encourage others to chime with their views to help the forum better understand this poorly written section.