-currently 23, graduated from top tier Canadian school with BCOM degree in finance, CFA level 2 candidate.
-worked at a family office/ hedge fund two summers as research analyst and then landed full time, been working for about 2 years now.
-our only investor is the portfolio manager and we originally had hopes to grow and find outside investors. Since then the PM has changed his mind and basically want to retire because he really doesn’t need the money and stress.
-now I have to find a new job within the next 4 months (can still work at current job until fund closes later this year).
-have applied to 60+ jobs anywhere in the world, mainly focusing in Toronto and Vancouver.
-ideally would like to move to another buy side analyst job but will be happy with almost anything that has room to grow.
-so far, I’ve gotten 1 interview out of the 60+ applications at a pretty big buy side firm but not as analyst. I would still be really happy with it because I think it has potential and I can move internally in the company.
-at the current job I basically recommend stocks to my PM but I don’t need to do any DCF modeling, so not much experience in that field and as a result I don’t think I would get sell side equity research jobs.
-I think the knowledge and skill that I’ve gained from my current job is not fully expressed on my resume and I feel like during interviews I can show them that I know more than they think I know (I think).
-the firm that I work at now is small and unknown so I’m afraid that when people look at my resume/application they discount my experience, skill, and knowledge.
-I’m scared that after the 4 months is up I still won’t have a job and I think it’ll only be harder to find a job when you’re unemployed.
-have also considered going back to school to complete a masters in something but haven’t done too much research.
So this is my current situation, any advice, constructive criticism, stories would be greatly appreciated.