Valuation of derivatives, what a wonderful world! I am struggling to find the error in my computation.
Schweser has provided a correction regarding valuation of a fixed for floating IR Swap, with the formula
((SFR_new - SFR_old)/# of settlements per year) * Sum of discounts * Notional Principal.
I for now would like to reside to to old fashioned doing it by hand version and value the two legs separately.
Swap rate at initiation: 4,4%, for a 1y quarterly pay swap with notional amount of 5*106. Now after 180 days the Libor is flat at 3,5%. Find the current value of the swap at t=180.
Schweser is getting a value of -$22, 209.
When I value the fix leg, I get v_fix=[0,011/(1+ 0,035*90/360) + 1,011/(1+ 0,035*180/360)] * 5*106
v_floating = 5*106, since we have just settled.
This leads to a value of the swap of v = v_floating - v_fix = -$22, 575
Are these just rounding errors / is my approach incorrect at some step?
In case anyone is struggling with this like I was. S2000magician is almost correct. When discounting the 2 remaining fixed and floating payment leg, be sure to use discount factor 1 for the first legs and discount factor 2 for the second. He likely used the second discount factor for the remaining floating payments 1 and 2.
I meant to write 0,0875. I corrected it in my original post. However, I’m still back and forth about this problem. Other solutions to similar problems ignore the last floating cash flow since we don’t know what the future reset will be, even though we do know that par will be 1. If we proceed in this manner, discounting the only cash flow for the floating leg (floating rate coupon + par of 1) by the new 90-day rate, then I arrive at a value of $22,582
I’ve benefited from your help enough in the past to know better. This material is hard enough for some of us as it is. Maybe I should give the folks at Schweser a call.
I think I saw you’ll be at the UCI review in a few weeks. I’m looking forward to it.