Weak - Semi Strong - Strong

A lot consider this topic easy but i still find it confusing tbh.

Weak form = stock prices reflect past public market info

Semi = stock prices reflect all public info

Strong= stock prices reflect public and private info.

Can someone provide examples where each is shown please.


Weak form assumes that technical analysis won’t work. By looking at charts you cannot beat market.

Semi-strong says there’s no point in analyzing financial statemements, earnings etc. because they’re already included in current price.

Strong says that even insiders with their confidential knowledge cannot have positive risk adjusted returns because stock price already includes it.

Donno whether it helped but I tried :slight_smile:

By the way, I read the Schweser notes and in the professor notes, they say:
“Markets can be weak-form efficient without being semi-strong or strong-form efficient. If markets are semi-strong form efficient, they must be weak-form efficient because public information includes market information, but semi-strong form efficient markets need not be strong-form efficient.”

I don’t really understand this notes, I suppose that there are totally 3 different types of efficient market? Could someone explain this for me? Thank you!

If markets are semi strong you can’t use technicals (supports weak form) AND mosaic theory/financials but you could use insider info (contradicts strong form)