What are personal accounts ???

Hello CFA fellows, Can someone tell me what is a personnal account for an investor manager ? I hardly think that portofolio managers trade for their personnal account during their work time with the firm expensive ressources (Bllomberg, Reuters etc…) Moreover, i read about familly account… is it normal that a portofolio manager trades for its familly in its work time, even if they have a normal client account with fees ? Shouldn’t be more careful to let the management of the account to an other portoflio manager ? Thanks

i don’t understand your point. I think about it. if i work from 8am to 8pm on a trading floor, do i have the right to go to supermarkets because they are only opened form 9am to 6pm ? You tell me “How else the manager would trade” ? Well, he doesn’t have to ! I worked in a trading floor as sales, we were basically not autorised to trade, and especially during work hours ! The ressources of the company can’t be used for personnal needs… as an example, i can’t understand this sentence :

  1. investment transactions for clients and employers must have priority over investment transactions in which a member or candidate is the beneficial owner

If your spouse has an account with you then you would trade in that account during normal business hours, as with any other client’s account. However, because you have beneficial ownership in that account, you must trade for your other clients and your employer before trading in that account.